Little Known Innovation Is a Game Changer

We promote ourselves as an integrated information technology consulting and web Development Company, providing high-tech solutions for simple to complex business systems, involving variety of technologies.

We also place more importance on experience rather than qualifications. The person with the top grades and most credentials isn't always the best person for the role...





Often what a customer wants is diametrically opposed to what they need. As a businessperson, your job is to give the customer what they want, be smart.

This means that not only can innovation change the rules of the game for businesses; it can also fulfill the social responsibilities of businesses towards society and create a win-win situation for all stakeholders.

There was far too much rehashing of old ideas spun as new. A game changer doesn't maintain the status quo, it shatters it. It was this taste of disappointment that led me to share my personal process for finding and implementing game changers :

I call it SMARTS(C) : Simple-Meaningful-Actionable-Relational-Transformational-Scalable.

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